Bonding can be used as a restorative procedure for teeth that are chipped, cracked, discolored or misaligned, and is an alternative to veneers.

How does it work?

The tooth is prepared for the procedure by lightly etching the surface and applying a bonding agent. A visible light is used to set the bonding agent. Then a composite resin is applied and sculpted to the desired shape. Once set the resin is trimmed, smoothed and polished to a natural appearance.


The bonding procedure can often be completed in a single office visit, and can improve the appearance of a tooth significantly. However, since the composite resin is not as strong as your natural tooth enamel, it is more likely to stain, chip or break than natural teeth.

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We offer virtual consultation on any dental conditions: emergencies, second opinions, cosmetic dentistry, implant, Invisalign, Pinhole gum rejuvenation, root canals, wisdom teeth, etc. We are committed to delivering the highest quality dental care and do so using advanced dental equipment.

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